Exciting News!

After presenting the plan for our Pre-K teachers to build their Professional Learning Networks last week, there is some exciting news! Last Thursday one of our district’s technology gurus contacted me about discussing what my plan was. Today I was able to explain to her how we were going to embed building our PLNsĀ into this year’s professional development.

The exciting part was that she liked the idea that I was using what I had learned last year and was now teaching our PK teachers based on that experience and my continuing growth as a connected educator. So, this morning I sent her a proposal for the 3 hours of technology credit which PK teachers will be able to receive by participating this year in building their PLNs. They are going to be thrilled to hear the news!

I am feeling very happy about how this is turning out to be a great growth experience for myself and envisioning it to be the same for our cohort as well.



As next Monday approaches I am pondering how our Pre-K teachers will respond/react to the opportunity to begin to build their own PLNs. After working on my PLNĀ for about a year, I am so excited about all the new possibilities and connections for learning. This feeling is what I hope they will experience. My gut is telling me to trust them, the resources out there, and it will all turn out to be a great growing experience for them.


Personal Learning Networks (PLNS)

Last year I worked on building a PLN for 3 hours of technology professional development. While I was doing it I was a little miffed because I had put so much work into it for a measly 3 hours of credit. But in the end and now I realize that it was a great investment of my time.

I have learned so much and connected with so many educators, experts, and organizations which have zoomed my interest in learning about PLNS. So indeed, it was well worth my time.

Now I am embedding for our PK teachers in their professional development the building of their own PLNS.
